Currently Reading: Erebos
I'm in the middle of Chapter Three (6%)
Although this book sounds like my cuppa, there's something about this cover that kinda put me off - dunno why. Just kinda blah, I guess. So, I've had it waiting on my "To Read" pile for a couple years now.
I found the "Epigraph" at the beginning very vague and I felt lost (I think maybe that's intentional LOL), so right off the bat I thought I might be in trouble here, BUT...
With Chapter 1 we've got an interesting, accessible YAish type thing going, and I'm already very intrigued. Last night, with my eyes drooping and needing to go to sleep I didn't want to put it down. I finally did, but it was just getting good, dang it.
I do hope this one lives up to at least a good portion of the hype.